Thursday, 15 July 2010


This is another ELTAS Tech Tools Day task.

Pre-task thinking:
  • What are your first steps online with a class?
  • How can you engage a group to use the web to communicate with each other?
  • How can you make what people in your group say visible at a glance?
  • How can you collect and save ideas/links in one place when your group is connected by "nothing" but the Internet?
Wallwisher is an online sticky board. One person sets up, and anyone with the link can add notes. Notes are limited to 160 characters.

Task 1:
First, use this Wallwisher wall to post something you'd really love to try out. If you've seen an example you want to share, link to it in the bottom part of your sticky. This is our wish list ;). No need to register, just add your name so it's not anonymous. (If you're registered your name shows automatically)

The link: TechTools4AuntieWeb Wallwisher wall

Task 2:
Make your own wall.
What will it be about?
  • Collecting tips on places to go to keep cool?
  • Best songs out this year?
  • Favorite cities?
Now, down to business:
  1. Go to
  2. Register (name, email)
  3. Create a wall by selecting a title (at least 6 characters) creating a URL for your wall. Tip: Since the title will be your URL, it has to be unique. Many popular titles are already taken. Use numbers (like 2 and 4) in your title
  4. Leave the default setting: everyone can post + view.
  5. Select an image and background.
  6. Click "done" to submit.
  7. Post a sticky with text and optional link. You can edit you sticky.
  8. Link to this page (URL) in your blog or Ning and invite stickies
  9. OR, under "Do more", click "embed" an image of the wall and copy this code to your blog or Ning.
Please post your link so we can all post on your wall

In her tutorial below, Ana Maria Menezes (Twitter, Life Feast blog) teaches her students not only how to make a wall, but also how to publish it in a blog. A great way to get students creating tasks for their fellow students! For student blogs she recommends the ultra-simple, and so do I.


Ana Maria Menezes said...

Dear Anne,
thank you so much for choosing my tutorial for your great post. I intend to visit your blog more often, really liked the way you suggest tasks.

Anne Hodgson said...

Thank you Ana :) Your blog is a marvel - thank you for your many ideas! - and keep on keeping on!