Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Share your lesson idea

  • Do you have a lesson plan, a warmer, a game, a controlled practice unit that has worked for you?
  • Would you like to be part of a community of teachers who share lesson ideas?
  • Would you enjoy having your idea published for all of the interested teaching community to see?
Then join the upcoming 15th EFL blog carnival, the Carnival of English Language Lessons, hosted by Karenne Sylvester.
Here's how:
  1. Write up your lesson plan.
  2. If you have a blog, publish it there.
  3. If you don't have one, publish it on Ask Auntie Web. Contact us at info (at) melta (dot) de. We'd love to publish it for you.
Then register your published post (or we'll register it for you) on the blog carneval site using Karenne's form here.

Deadline: March 21.
Publication: April 1.

With this focus, the 15th blog carnival is sure to be a winner. Come on, everybody, join in!

See the EFL Carnival Archive

What is a blog carnival?
A blog carnival is a tool used by bloggers to promote their work. In a classic blog carnival, one site is designated as the host or organizer, and participants send in permanent links, or "permalinks", to posts on the theme of the carnival. The organizer collects the links in a single post, which becomes the starting point to all of the participating blogs. Good for readers, because it gives them access to a wide variety of blogs; Good for bloggers, who appreciate the publicity. (Summary of this definition)

Saturday, 6 February 2010

The 30 Goals Challenge

If you missed Shelly Terrell's "The 30 Goals Challenge" in January, she has made the 30 posts into an e-book. She blogged about a professional development challenge with an essential personal element, each connected to an aspect of paedagogy, online marketing or social networking, every single day for a month. Reflective and integrative. If you're thinking about where you're going as a trainer/ English teacher, and are looking for focus, you will certainly find inpiration here.
  1. Keep a Diary
  2. Contribute to a Blog Carnival
  3. Start an Adventure
  4. Support a New Blogger
  5. Update Your Online Profiles
  6. Set a Google Alert
  7. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone
  8. What’s Your Personal Theme Song?
  9. Be a Guest Blogger
  10. Make A Connection
  11. Ask, Perhaps You’ll Receive
  12. Reach Out
  13. Give Students Reign
  14. Cause a Ripple
  15. Create: 40 Writing, Music, & Art Resources
  16. Voice Your Appreciation
  17. Tell Your Story
  18. Let’s Move
  19. What Do You Believe?
  20. Seek Feedback
  21. Have a Bit of Fun
  22. 12 Resources for Giving Constructive Feedback
  23. Where There’s a Will
  24. Conquer a Fear
  25. Plant a Seed
  26. What Are You Putting Off?
  27. Reflection vs. Reaction
  28. Capture the Moment
  29. Stay Focused
  30. Pass the Baton

Monday, 1 February 2010

Calling all collaborators

Hello MELTA members,

Ask Auntie Web is our blog, the online sister to the column in our MELTA Newsletter. Like the print column, the blog is looking for collaborators, and seeking to revive old ones (you know who you are!). Would you like to contribute a blog post? It could contain tips, ideas, reflections, food for thought in the following areas:
  • online resources and tools to help build your teaching repertoire
  • your experience and questions re the teaching you have done using these resources and tools
  • upcoming teacher training in these areas, or reflections on training you've had
  • social networking to build professional connections with other professionals
  • gadget talk and computer tips that help you simplify or spruce up your life
  • the specific experience of trying to make it as a teacher in Germany in 2010
  • lamentos, rants, musings, exultations in general, just to have had the fun experience of posting something online for your colleagues to read
Please get in touch with me, Anne c/o info (at) melta (dot) de
or more directly on Twitter: http://twitter.com/annehodg